Integrated project management!
We control what we measure!
Manage - means change!
Manage - means analyze plan implimentation!
All business-tools in a single system
Tools for project management

Compliance with modern standarts
Quality management system

We implement PBM
Project based management – ISO 21500

«Project management is about converting vision into reality. We have a vision of some future state we would like to achieve. It may be a new computer system, a new production process, a new product, a new organization structure, or more competent managers. We foresee that the operation of that new state will help us improve performance of our business, by solving a problem or exploiting an opportunity, and so provide us with benefit that will repay the cost of achieving it. Project-based management is the structured process by which we successfully deliver that future state (I discuss in a later chapter what is understood by “successfully”)».
(с) J. Rodney Turner
We preach the TQM principles
Total Quality Management – 14 universal principles

- Establish the correspondence between goals and quality improvement plan.
- Adopt a new philosophy of quality.
- Put an end to the dependence on frequent inspections and quality audits.
- Stop selecting suppliers, based solely on the value of their goods and services.
- Identify the problems and work continuously to improve the quality control system.
- Establish training.
- Educate and established guidance.
- Eradicate fear at work.
- Eliminate barriers between units.
- Avoid empty slogans in the workplace.
- Minimize (or optimize) working standards and quantitative indicators in production.
- Give employees the opportunity to be proud of their skills.
- Encourage and stimulate the extensive educational programs, retraining and professional skill improvements.
- Transform. Aim for each employee to make small changes to improve the whole company.
We apply Scrum
Agile methodology
- You can change your project right along the way!
- Your project runs in stages and you control the launch priorities!
- Instead of the tedious work on thick and boring technical tasks you'll get a working project draft in 2 weeks!
- First we develop the most important functions for you, then - secondary ones. Thus, step by step your project is working and developing!

We use Waterfall

- The development using Waterfall looks like a flow that passes through phases of analysis, design, implementation, testing, integration and support.
- The methodology provides a guaranteed result within the basic metrics of the project.
- Development is suitable for companies that prefer to work on a fixed budget.
We implement EVM
Earned Value Management
Earned value management (EVM),
or Earned Value Project/Performance Management (EVPM)
EV — Earned Value, equals to project completeness share, compl the budget at the time of completion,teness
AC (ACWP) —actual cost, as well as the actual cost of work performed, eS. Equal to the real value of the work performed or part thereof for the spec,fied period of time.
PV — planned volume,
CV — cost variance, CV = EV – AC
SV — schedule variance, SV = EV – PV
CPI — cost performance index, CPI = EV / AC
SPI — schedule performance index, SPI = EV/ PV

Implementation can't be postponed!

Effective tools

Project communications
- Discussion of tasks and questions, joint notes
- Live chat between employees
- Customer's personal cabinet for joint project implementation
- The document attachment and sharing

Means of project organization
- Change the status of tasks by flipping cards
- Planning calendar & Gantt chart
- Personal list of cases for each employee
- Notification of day plans and deadlines
- Priorities and visual labels
- Directions and categories of projects and tasks
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